Peppered with an array of fascinating shops, events and activities, Shimokita appeals to a relatively young demographic and attracts people from various interests and backgrounds. The vibe is you’ll see savvy thrift store gurus, avid vinyl record collectors, refined cafe hoppers, lively bar crawlers, intriguing street performers and event-loving locals.

A short train ride away from Shibuya, Shinjuku and Harajuku, Shimokita is a bohemian precinct slightly removed from the masses that cluster in Tokyo’s city center. It’s charming labyrinth of narrow alleys are hip, complete with trendy eateries, cafes, bars, music venues, theatres, galleries, record stores and thrift shops. The mom and pop stores that have survived the rapid gentrification are hidden gems!

Renowned for its active community, the neighborhood of Shimokitazawa hosts a myriad of events almost weekly, celebrating the town’s unique colors and culture. At Shimokitazawa, everyone is family. Get out there and you’ll blend in in no time!
下北沢では毎週のように多彩なイベントが開催され、毎回多くの人々で賑わいます。下北沢はみんながファミリーの街です。すぐに昔から過ごした街の仲間のように溶け込む事ができるでしょう。下北沢という街そのものを楽しむ。それも「illi Shimokitazawa」の楽しみ方の一つです。
illi Shimokitazawa features four unique rooms- each inspired by a different aspect of the neighborhood's vibrant youth culture.
The space can be enjoyed differently depending on the type and number of guests staying.
The space can be enjoyed differently depending on the type and number of guests staying.